Over the next few days I'll be posting some of my highlights during 2009. It was a busy, but good year.
Highlight #1 was without any doubt my mom's visit to NZ. 2 Years ago we moved here and it was my mom's 1st visit to New Zealand. (It was probably her highlight for the year as well... lol!)
This photo was taken of her and Anja sharing a joke :-)
We will be away on holiday for the next 2 weeks. I hope you enjoy the images I have posted (from the archives) for you to view in the mean time. I won’t have any internet access while away, but look forward to seeing all of your blogs when I return!! Take care and be safe.
Thanks for stopping by.
All comments, critiques, suggestions and tips are welcome and appreciated.
I may not always have time to thank you, but comments are always read and appreciated, and I will try and visit your site and leave a comment. I'll do my best to answer every question and address specific comments.
© Anina Botes
All rights reserved. No images can be resold in any form, downloaded, reproduced or altered without the express written permission of Anina Botes. This written permission needs to be obtained in advance, prior to any use of the images.